Doorway Pec Stretch in Naples FL

Doorway Pec Stretch in Naples FL

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“Doorway Pec Stretches” help alleviate tight chest muscles and the muscles on the front side of the shoulder. These stretches are great for anyone that may be experiencing shoulder, neck or upper back pain. Almost all people that work at a computer or drive long distances can benefit from this stretch. These pec stretches will help to place the shoulder in a better position and alleviate tension on certain muscles that may be giving an individual pain or discomfort throughout the neck, shoulder, and upper back. If you find yourself slouching throughout the day (you know who you are!), this stretch is for you! Give it a try and if you need any assistance or don’t think you are performing it just right, let Chiropractor Scott Weiland of Naples FL help!

8:00am - 6:00pm

8:00am - 2:00pm

8:00am - 6:00pm

8:00am - 3:00pm

8:00am - 3:00pm

Saturday & Sunday

Gulf Coast Spine & Sport, LLC

2240 Venetian Ct, Unit A
Naples, FL 34109

(239) 745-5561